Unveiling åtomic structure.
Our lab works at the forefront of atomic imaging using high-energy electron beams to discover exotic electronic or structural behavior in materials. Utilizing electron microscopy we unveil how atomic and nanoscale architecture governs material properties at the macroscale — spanning a wide class of systems including quantum materials, next-generation clean energy devices, and biominerals. Students and researchers in the lab work at the intersection of materials physics, electron microscopy, and data science.
Selected Manuscripts:
Imaging 3D chemistry at 1 nm resolution with fused multi-modal electron tomography, Nature Communications (2024) Endotaxial stabilization of 2D charge density waves with long-range order, Nature Communications (2024) Torsional periodic lattice distortions and diffraction of twisted 2D materials, Nature Communications (2022) Magnetic anisotropy reversal driven by structural symmetry-breaking in monolayer α-RuCl3, Nature Materials (2022) Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz, Nature Comm. (2022) Two-dimensional charge order stabilized in clean polytype heterostructures, Nature Comm. (2022) Imaging atomic-scale chemistry from fused multi-modal electron microscopy, npj Computational Materials (2022) The mesoscale order of nacreous pearls, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2021) Atomic and electronic reconstruction at the van der Waals interface in twisted bilayer graphene, Nature Materials (2019) Stacking, strain, and twist in 2D materials quantified by 3D electron diffraction, Phys. Rev. Mat. (2019)